Night on Earth is a 1991 film written and directed by Jim Jarmusch. It is a collection of five vignettes, taking place during the same night, concerning the temporary bond formed between taxi driver and passenger in five cities.
Poster concept is aimed to reflect the night road setting in a large city. High contrast color scheme is to draw attention to the title settled in the road markup. The yellow road marks support the circular path the viewer’s eye travels along the graphics.
The work of a young contemporary poet Vera Polozkova and Soviet photographer Lev Borodulin lay in contrast. Lev Borodulin focused on the human body as an object and form in space. He is famous for his sports photography, where he objectified groups into patterns. Vera’s work, on the other hand, is profoundly personal and explores individuality and complexity of feelings.
It was a challenge for me to select a poet and a photographer to splice in the project. I thought genuinely about the core motives of different artists and felt responsible for the interpretation of one’s work.
The book deliberating on subject of Iraq war after elimination of Saddam Hussein. Classy black/red/white color scheme is an obvious yet deliberate choice.
Posters against waste in the oceans. “Happy” color scheme aims to grab your attention on busy streets of NYC to speak of the matter not pleasant at all.
Life would be much more productive if people would be honest with each other. “We love you, but your jokes suck” “I’m so happy to work for you! But please don’t call me at 2 am” “I need $300, please.” All of us have been in situations where you need to say it, but it’s just not easy to do. So it stays on your mind to drag your energy and time. It would be easier to give your truth written on a delicious chocolate bar.
Sweet & Honest is a bar of handcrafted chocolate. It’s also your shortcut to happiness and peace of mind. I believe that honesty is one essential ingredient in the complicated recipe of happiness. But it’s not always easy to tell the truth, even more, it’s harder to hear it. You know it needs to be said and heard, so write it on Sweet & Honest.
Letters to Nepal is Brooklyn-based band from Siberia. Their music combines elements of ambient electronic with trance. The design solutions aim to reflect the electronic vibe and a cold shadow of the band’s birthplace.
Letters to Nepal songs often evolve around utopian thoughts like global unity, peace and shared purpose.
FIELD is an electronic folk music festival that takes place in Norway in the middle of nowhere. The beauty of it is in interaction of powerful voices and sounds with wilderness of nature and mountains’ acoustic.
Besides reflecting the style of the festival, the logo is optimized for the location. Bold geometrical lines work in contrast with natural forms and hues of the place.
Breaking, popping and locking are styles of modern street dance.
Balance of unity and subdivision. Different dynamic of the brush strokes convey the dance tendencies. The series united by common elements as title treatment and main color scheme.
Design solution reflects qualities characterizing the street dances. Brave, young, bold, confident.